The Small Print!
Surface Imaging Solutions is the leading UK supplier of healthcare imaging solutions and services together with bespoke clinical photographic systems. We deliver software applications and consultancy to physicians and healthcare facilities involved in Aesthetic, Cosmetic, Plastic and Reconstructive surgery and procedures.
Our range of Aesthetic Systems include the award winning VISIA® Skin Analysis System, the new HairMetrix® and the full portfolio of Vectra® 3D imaging solutions including the WB360.
We also provide the full spectrum of Medical Dermatology systems including the D200EVO, the suite of VEOS® systems, the VISIOMED Optima® and the DermaGraphix® Body Mapping Solution.
Founder : Nicolas Miedzianowski-Sinclair
For those in this industry who know me it’s hard to believe that after a couple of years at University studying for a BSc in Biochemistry (not my most successful academic achievement) I ended up as the assistant credit manager in a major fashion retail chain in South Africa, with the view to becoming accountant! Returning to the UK in 1976 I began the journey within healthcare from my days at Bell & Howell and the microfilming of hospital patient records UK wide, into computing with ICL (yes that UK computer company in the early 80’s) into electronic pre-press and finally into relational database solutions with Oracle Corporation where instead of the Finance and Telco industries I was drawn into the likes of the DHSS, the NHS and EPR (electronic patient records)!
Since 1994 I have been in charge of my own destiny! I established my first business Sinclair Associates & Co, a sales consultancy practice engaging with businesses (SME’s) who sought better relationship with Oracle Corporation which I was able to facilitate through my good relationships with folk in Oracle (many of who I am still friends with today). Whilst acting in the capacity of business development consultant in around 1996/7 I became involved with a company called Tricorder Technology – founded by Dr Guy Fowler and became bewitched by that three dimensional imaging. Later with a gifted group of UCL PhD’s we established Surfim and in late 2004, after almost a years courtship we sold our 3D assets to Canfield Scientific Inc. and I founded Surface Imaging Solutions Limited (SIS).